Rev:  Jan 2019

copyright c Copyright Herb Ranharter 2019  All rights reserved             

webrights w All webrights reserved    Herb Ranharter 2019                    

                       DelARTe:      Still Green and Ethical, and as always: 

"pro bono, contra malum!"                 

Still @ it, DelARTe   2019 (MMXIX)   


Écrasez l'infâme

What needs to happen in 2019:

A creative solution to the government impasse about the border wall: 

How about building a border wall as a walkable, defend-able, bikeable tourist attraction. 

With different stiles/ideas/architectural features/ look outs/ plants/ dining establishments etc., etc., etc.

it would pay for itself.  Private enterprise would pick up the development.

 Yes, yes, you got it: The Great American Shopping Wall. QED.

It appears that the Winter Season is upon us

(Christmas is over):

seasonally adjusted    snow
  sectarian turmoil

A few new impressions:

Better to think about art:   KINZUNGURI

Sidewalk Kinzunguri.

cock and pussy

Cock and Pussy.

hot          hotter

Burn your tounge.

eating Sushi

Then Sushi and rinse:

moi madaneia


clean your plates!  & Shear the wealth:

shear the wealth

Then draw the line:

draw the line

As predicted web-censorship has begun, Joe McCarthy would be proud.

a Huffington Post posting:    The webNazies are beginning their victory march

Please note: . An image containing neither nudity nor sex was censored on Facebook

by way of the excuse of running afoul of their sex and nudity regulations.

Neither sex nor nudity was displayed, it is a mere conceptual artwork.

Actually the Facebook fascists purposely refuse to comprehend

and thus all of our freedoms will eventually be trashed.

While the Trump regression activities gather steam.

Making America great again surely does

not  come from limiting the

citizens  free









"Cukiberger"    "Cukiberger"

on the way back ................

Well, in all fairness I did receive an apology from Facebook. However

the fact that this occurred at all is indicative of what is ultimately going

to happen. AI will rake havoc with the truth and irrevocable damage

will be done none the less, paving the way to unbridled censorship.

Other "noteworthies": Confusing "technology" with mere "apps" is as bad as confusing "radioactive" with"radiation"!

Think about it!!!


Entering the Trump free zone, (e.g.: Back to ART):


entering Trump free zone                                                 links for the chromatose

                                                        Click the above right picture or on this line to see the chromatose page.

Ideas tailored to the population explosion:

1)    Traffic management:

An early system   Buster Keaton's Segway   improved upon  concept development

further explorations:  further concept development  perhaps a redo of Ben Hur is in order.

2)    For Tales from the Vienna Woods:

im Wienerwald               the no pianos sign Click me

What, no more concert pianos in the Vienna Woods?  Sacrilege!

3)    Absolutely no more signs!

The ultimate "no more signs" sign:       de-sign         (Even though the signs are showing!)

Why would you expect compliance?

Let's speak of additional things:

Tails in the back yard:

First a sketch:   a quick sketch to remember the action by

& then the text:

More from the backyard. The stage: Two rather unabashed bucks heading up
the garden path on the south side of the house today. They take their
safety clues from the animals about; the squirrels, the bluebirds, the
ravens and the finches. Everything is working out for them although the
garbage people are making quite a racket on the west side. The bucks are
a bit distracted by this noise. I throw a peanut for the squirrel in my
sight; but there are two, two entitled fur balls with an attitude. A
quarrel ensues, one of the squirrels is feeling angry and takes action
attacking the other, the one with the peanut. Yelling at the top of their
lungs they start chasing one another first left, then right, then straight
down the garden path on which the two bucks are ascending, while eating
things off the ground. The buck on the top step has just lowered his head
to get some morsel when the chased squirrel found its escape route barred
by a pair of seriously sharp antlers. Nowhere to go but on, onto the head
of the buck right between the antlers with a bond and immediate bounce
onto the back of the deer. As there is the closely following other buck
the squirrels escape route leads to further mischief with a landing on yet
another deers back and a further bound onto a nearby branch that offers
itself. The front deer, by that time, had lifted his head some, enough to
stifle the chasing squirrel with a nose to nose collision as he was trying
to follow the exact same path in pursuit of the peanut. A somersault on
part of the squirrel ended the considerable physics of this pirouette.
Coupled with subsequent resumed zeal he headed between the legs of the, by
then erect buck, and on to the second bucks back that at this time looked
even more puzzled. The squirrel then proceeded up on the same branch that
was still within reach by way of a daring leap and further attempt at
pursuit. Alas the other squirrel had by then enough of a head start after
the nose to nose event to have gotten away with the peanut. A barrage of
outraged chatter ensued from under the leaves of the tree. I swear both
bucks shook their heads at this with some disdain for having been abused
thus. Soon after the bluebird, who had watched all this, came flying by
peanut in beak. The first squirrel must have dropped it after all.

And the photographic evidence:

All the actorsphotographic evidence

and then some:

rats on stiltz       QED  Deer are just rats on stilz.

no more rats     No deer beyond this point.  No wonder the signs don't work!

News from the language front, this time from France.

The first results from the 2018 francophone convention are in:

Francophoney convention 2018           accute

An artist's life's wistom :
                        (but then Deep down inside you knew that anyway.)                                 

which sign is correct?

The problem is: Which sign is correct? Which is true?

Which party has the right information,
 are facts still facts? What's missing is good will and a modicum of kindness.

From "no point" to the pointlessnes of it all.

"Like" many other generations .......

Just like what Adam said before loosing his paradise priviledges:

An Apple, well I be damned!    "An Apple, well I be damned!"


Norman Rockwell selfie   it's happening 

Norman Rockwell peged it almost 100 years ago.

                      Way before there was an  iPhone                       

Manipulated proportions to make you feel inferior     (Deep fahion, Curtesy of the DeYoung Museum)

7% off  7% +

12% off  12% +

we are being endlessly manipulated      20% +
Do you feel manipulated?
  Then click on the picture above and find out about further attempts!

The drawing on the right has normal classic proportions,
the photograph on the left aims to sell you something.

FXM -still active today:

supplying a square

You must supply the white square because there is none.
See, you did already!
Now click it to get some info.
Or find out more in the legacy pages below.

But(t) first:   Previously on               

  The legacy pages:                                      >>>  previously in 2018 <<<         

                                    >>>  previously in 2017 <<<                                        

 Here are the initial chapters       

of the red shoe story:                       
where oh where did she go?                     

    Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4   Chapter 5 .                               

Now the red shoe story continues:          

Tip toe through the two lipps.....                              

               >>>  red shoe story chapter6 <<<                                     

Prepare for pointless rambelings of a lost artist;

nothing to sell, no focus, searching, searching for something worth while:

Finding nothing (but at least lots of it).

Into the fold?            balancing act     Balancing Akt

Meanwhile messing with organics continued:

developed lenght of a root cover      the organic

There are more asshles than asses.

Perhaps some inspiration will arise.

peace process? No way, money making opportunity.     Arise, arouse, a rose.

wouls you smoke it?     Kraut?               

     Hope after the devestation.              




daily allowance


  yet another puppet:           another puppet:     

Or experimenting with inorganics, synthetics:

        Neue Fensterlein :   interplay  could be seen as positive

or as negative.:


moving bubbles    from the spinning Rover

Bubbeling over and spinning Rover, whats real anymore?

It might even be a matter of preference, where

color correction  often reveals new aspects:


Beware though!   What you see ain't what you'll get.

You might be framed?!  So, prepare for tears!


Perhaps crafts is an answer, applied art,

evolving thoughts into practice:

 drawing         Sketch          result         

        From layouts to realization.        


Now for something completely different:

It's time to test your academic prowess:

                                  what's wrong with this picure?

                  Bi-Pal, you heared it here first!                        

(If you want to know the true value of Bit-coin try paying your income tax with it. )     

Liar, liar, hands on fire.

Are you being had? Again? Is there inflation in BitCoin?

Have you noticed a new wave of inflation since the new tax law?

The new battle cry is:  "Kick him in the amoluments!!!"

The red shoe still rocks!            rocking red pump             

Run and chew, but better not run in high heels,         

especially not in rough terrain.        

In the news lately:   The  red-shoe story  is no longer fiction,       

 nor is the shoe a prototype, it is now a product.      

The only difference: Bluetooth connectivity instead of USB cable.       

Further inspirational activities at the DelARTe studio:           


Model in a model space           

Red pump links to the delARTe model page

Are you in the picture?    TEARS jUDITH, TEARS!

Oh komm lieber Franz......

Them bones, them bones, them dry bones

End of the Trump free zone:

Rump free not

Consider:    A declaration of wanting to be great again is an admission to not beeing great.

What have we become as a result of greed, opportunism and fear ?

is it ttime again?

It may be time again........Écrasez l'infâme

What will the eulogy for Donald Trump be like?  Read by Mitch McConnell?

Who would even attend - The Ghost of Christmas Present?

Which book would be in the presidential library - "The Gringe that Stole Christmas"?

Would the flag go on half mast or higher on an extension to the flag pole?

What music would be played - the Russian anthem? Or "Jail to the Thief"?

                  Diminished rating -5 stars                           

A picture deserving placement on the extreme right! Five stars missing.                         

To start a war in order to divert attention from the Mueller investigation: When is enough too much?
Cut off their emoluments and hang 'em by the tweets! *

Trump and his Republican accomplices must be held  accountable!
(In the Robespierre sense of republicanism! *)

warped perspectives

Off with their heads!

The current recipe for presidential success:
Create a problem, make a press event out of it,

claw it back a week later so as to make you look like you solved a problem.

Demand an emoluments tax of 80%, and a fee!

Failure to pay shall result in extradition to Russia (violator pays).

Euuropa with Trump

Our leaders confuse issues by comparing real fruit with horseapples.

Advantage is derived from confusion which becomes truth.

Spinning horse-shit into reality.

Alternately: Simply admit it all and earn some stars back:            or simply admit it         

Putins delight    like like like dead like 

 A few words about the cost of "free:"

       Voting:    Vote Putin Free !!!   Putin free for common decency!

The truth and the witness        the evidence is there          "Me too" should be "I too". Vote!!!

show them what you think.

Bucks at Starbucks    The hidden face of Facebook

another problem

Something went wrong!

But   It all wrog!  so why would you click on OK?


   Copyright Herb Ranharter 2019 All webrights reserved, Herb Ranharter 2019

     You may  contact me on      in California  or by eMail:    contact address

please, no advertisements.

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