1724.html 2024 Issue 0  Rev.0                                                     
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On the Fringes again:

Still on the phone: Soon to be reviewed      
(By Tamara Lempicka, soon to be seen in SF.)

Go & vote    go vote!

Maga Halloween

But don't blow your stack:   Leo and Xaver           

   Gozilla Lives:

mona Gozilla

                                                              Frau Dulent is helping Leonardo to achive further three dimensionality in his painting
by rolling the picture into a 3D cylinder:        

             3D in 3D illusion. Trompe the analists.       looking at you kid

                                                           To see the quote from the Isaakson Book
                                                                                        on Leonardo Da Vinci:   
                                                                                               (Click on the right, here:)

........The shadow under her nose is subtler.

The greatest intensity of light             

"you should show, between the shadows …

Clearly a manual approach to Ray-Tracing.
 See Frau Dulent's notes on the subject.
                                            Outguessing Bottichelli's Gabriel:
left center right   

Further distortions deviating from the Vetruvian Man:                 

To boldly lie where no man has lie'd before(?):        
By s-curving the body marketing can create a more slender figure 
within the eight customary units. 
(Makes you feel inferior enough to buy a presumed remedy.)        

blort         PC'ing continues   - blort.              
Happyness is just a mouse click away.     

Or is it?      The new Holy Trinity?    holy trinity?

Holy Trinity         

   huh?            Oy!         

(Couldn't have been a very good message).         

Travel Plans:                 

From Simon Rattle on Bela Bartok        same              
After looking at Simon Rattle's episode on Bela Bartok.
(Tower at Lake Wyrnwy)
Bluebeards Castle  -  the opera.

Off to revisit the city of fake ruins:

Waldmueller 18th century
painted by F. G. Waldmueller, 1832
(The putti have since vanished.)

During refurbishment in 2022


            leading to "evrything old is new again."     2023


For a more detailed set of images click this line.

"Wien, die Stadt der Liter"    "Wien die Stadt der Liter"

Still looking for modelsstill painting portraits:

Models wanted     <<< Click me.

red in DV    bung hole